The first is my buddy Elder Rodriguez, he has been teaching me spanish words. And The second is my mission president, President Perkins and Hermana Perkins, this was today after the temple.
Hey guys! Que lo que! Sacap fet! not sure on the spelling for that last one, but it is whats up in creole, or whatever they speak in Haiti. Well i am way excited to finally get out in the field, it has been a long wait, a good time, but a long wait, i am ready to teach people. Its also going to be nice to not have the power go out 3 or 4 times a day, or to have the shower lose water when you jsut applied soap, haha, that happened yesterday after gym. The power outage isnt that bad, because we have generators that kick in after like 20 seconds, but im just glad i have a clock that doesnt have to be plugged in, that would get old. today was my last day of going to the temple for two years, sad. But it was really cool, there was three lanuages being spoken, english, spanish, and french, because a bunch of people came in from Haiti, and that is one of their languages. It was really cool. Umm i am not sure of anything on when i am calling. They have not told us anything, if i can call from the airport i will, if not then i will be talking to you guys a couple days later anyways. Just be open christmas day, i will call dads cell phone, so be ready. And i am pretty excited for the packages! I ran out of snacks last week and its been rough at night, i have got to change this habbit in the field. Speaking of eating, i am on my last belt hole, no i havent gotten fatter, my belt is too big, so somehow i am going to ahve to make more holes. That sounds really cold, i dont even know how cold it is here, but it feels like 80 degrees in Arizona. And this is the winter, it is going to be a HOT summer. I got Haileys dear elder, and it made me laugh pretty hard, tell her i said thanks. Also nate and kindys baby looks really cute. I will send a picture to you later, i got to get a hair cut, but it is a picture of one of my latino friends. We exchanged ties, and we are wearing the ties in the pic. I love you all, i will talk to you in a week. One more thing, remember Christ always in your hearts, the thing i like about the Dominican is they dont give gifts on christmas, they just celebrate Christ and his birth. They give gifts in january, so remember who gives you life after death. Love Elder Hardy
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