Hey yall! Everything sounds pretty exciting. Mom don't worry about Elder Contreras calling me crazy. I haven't done anything crazy, yet. So for now, I am very safe. Our area is pretty safe too. It is the nicer part of Puerto Rico I am told. We have a lot of houses in our area. And there a real lot of tall apartment buildings, like 20 stories high. And then also there are malls, and normal freeways. It pretty much reminds me of California. Except for all the crazy tropical plants, they remind me of Hawaii, except Hawaii doesnt have giant iguanas running around in the streets. And they are huge too. They don't have any predators, so they just eat and become HUGE. We also have a little campo (country) in our area too. It is so crazy, just pure jungle. I will try to take some pictures for you. but I guess my area and a couple other citiess are the only ones in Puerto Rico, the rest of it is jungle. Last week we had an activity where we watched testaments and had refreshments, and the ward was supposed to show up and bring a friend. Well there was about 10 members there, and none of them brought a friend. We had 6 of our investigators come, so that was really awesome. but I just wish our ward would do their part too. It is so much easier and more effective when members do their part. Ok, our ward is descent on Sundays and our bishop is really cool. He is a gringo, from Mesa, Arizona, Bishop Walker. he went to Mesa high, and his sister graduated from highland a couple years before me. The world is so small!!! But he is a stud, he just got called, and he is helping out the ward so much. Our church building is different than in the states (50 states), it doesnt have air conditioning, but no building here does. Every where just had fans, but it really doesn't feel bad. Oh yea, I also need to write JoyLynn, Iwill get on that this week. Really I have been slacking at writing everyone, but everything is awesome, thank you for everything, I love you all so much. You are such a strength to me. Love Elder Hardy
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January 14, 2009

This was a great week. I feel like my spanish has gotten better, and that I have more confidence. Well Luz and Abel said that they have too much going on in their lives so they said not right now. So I was pretty bummed, but that is their decision. And I am a little worried about Franklin, because I dont now how interested he is anymore, but we are going to go teach him tommorrow, so we'll get this cleared up. We taught a really good lesson with Alvaro and his family the other night. We asked him to be baptized the 21 of January, but he said that he is not ready. So we answered some of his questions, and tried to give him a little confidence, but he still wasnt sure, so we told him to pray about it. So we will find out tonight. I have been praying so hard for him to receive an answer. He knows the book of Mormon is true, and that we have a prophet on this earth, but he just has tiny little doubts. Sometimes its frustrating, but at least it shows that he is taking this seriously, and wants to know for himself before he gets baptized. So I am just praying he receives an answer. Everything is going great with Elder Contreras. I wish you could have seen his face when we opened the package and he had his own candy bar with a note on it in Spanish. Haha, he was so happy. He told me to tell you Muchas Gracias. Thank you so much for the package, it is perfect! It came last Friday, but we weren't able to get it until yesterday because we have been busy. Oh yea, thats another thing, can you send it to the mission office, because I didnt know this but the post office is super far away, so we had to walk all the way down there to get it. But boy was it worth it. It came at the perfect time, because my food supply was pretty scarce. Thank you so much! And never be afraid to send another. Hey guess what food i like now, EGGS. isnt that crazy. But elder contreras makes the best eggs. Last night we started a new English class, and the coolest family showed up. They are so ready to hear the gospel. So we are really excited. We gave everyone pamphlets to read, one is in English and one is in Spanish. And yes they are the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlets. So hopefully we will have some good questions next week, and be able to start teaching some people. Well thanks for your letters, it was so good to get a letter in the week. And yes i just barely sent my memory card yesterday, so it should be coming in a couple of days. So enjoy. Well the church is true, it is so ridiculous how true the church is. We have met some people with some pretty crazy ideas about God. But, this is the church of God. I love you so much, thank you for your prayers. Love Elder Hardy
Sunday, January 11, 2009
January 7, 2009
Hey yall! Everything is going good here in rainy puerto rico. It really hasnt been that bad, but it has rained pretty much everyday. Usually its not for a long time, but it is always a down poor. Its funny because most people dont even hide underneath a tree, or get an umbrella out, because by the time you do that it will be over. Everything sounds pretty good in arizona. It good to hear they finally finished the construction, and i cant wait until I will be able to go to that QT. Mom you gotta watch for kids ditching school and getting drinks there. I bet that would be a problem. Briley is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. And I dont lie about babies. For example we saw one of the ugliest babies the other day at a members house. it looked like an alien. Oh that is something I like about lations, is that you dont lie about anything. You can call them fat to there face, and nobody gets offended. I LOVE IT! Its really funny, we go visit members, and we ask them how they are doing, and elder contreras says, oh, have you gotten fatter. Last night we were at a members house and he said that. And the wife is having a baby, so he said, "Wow you look really fat papa, Is she having the baby, or are you. And they just crack up, I love it. Its good to hear about the suns, glad to hear they are doing well, I already knew about the trade, because the CCM president, the one from AZ, is a big fan, so we would talk all the time. But, I have great news! WE HAVE A BAPTISMAL DATE! I am so excited. it was last Sunday, is it strange that it happened the same day we were fasting to baptisms? I dont know, you be the judge. But his name is Franklin. he is a way cool Dominican. I like dominicans so much. All of them are so open to talk about gospel. But yea, so it was the first lesson, we watched the resoration movie, taught him the first lesson, then asked him to be baptized, and he accepted. The date is january 24. So we will be working hard to prepare him. And also we are going to start teaching his wife, so hopefully we can get a baptismal date with her too. Also we have been teaching Luz and Abel, and they have taken so many discussions only gods knows, they have had 12 missionaries. But we have been teaching them really good lessons, and they are still hessitant. So this is our game plan. There is a missionary that just got home. And he lived with these two sometime before his mission, and they are really close. So we are bringing him with us tonight, and hopefully he will make them feel more comfortable and make them willing to be baptized. So we are going to ask them to be baptized tonight. Also that columbian family, the father isnt interested anymore, but the son is very interested, and the mom hasnt been taking the discussions, but she said the other night that she wants to start. We are going to ask the son, alvaro, to be baptized tonight, and i think we have an appointment with her tomorrow. So i will be praying hard, and if you could give us a little pray as well, then that would be great. But, i am starting to see the fruits of our labors, and it is feeling great. it is still really hard, but getting better. But I love you all so much. yea it would be great to get mail from you during the week, actually it would be awesome. And no i havent got the package yet, but i am looking forward to it greatly, i feel like a little kid on christmas. but I love you, take care, the church is true.
Love Elder hardy
Love Elder hardy
Sunday, January 4, 2009
December 31, 2008
Hola! How is everyone? The reunion sounds like it is pretty intense, there is a lot of people there. Haileys baptism sounds like it went really well, that makes me so happy, i really wish i could have been there for that. That is so cool that kristi got married, and dad that is a really cool story, i can only imagine how that must of felt, sometimes the veil is pretty thin. I was tracting the other day, and grandpa popped into my head, and i just felt like he was proud of me, and that he was watching me. So that is very interesting that we both have felt him. The mission has been great so far, it has definitely been hard, that is why they call it missionary WORK, but all is well, it gets better and better every day. Going out and talking to people has made me realize how little spanish i know, and how hard i need to work, but every day it seems like i can understand more of what the people are saying. The spanish they are speaking is so much different here than in the dominican, i think they taught me the wrong language. But i like my companion, elder contreras, he is super nice, and works really hard. It is just difficult because his english is not the best, so there is deffinitely a little lagnuage barrier between us, but hopefully that will end soon. All is well, we have some investigators that we are going to ask to be baptized this week, so i will be praying hard all week, and hopefully they except. Well i dont have much time, so i love you all, and i hope you are doing well. The church is growing here in Puerto Rico, slowly, but it is growing. The Church is true, we need to do all that we can to spread this knowledge with everyone, you dont have to be called to serve a mission to be a missionary, infact most of missionary work should be done by members. The only reason we have missionaries is to help the members. SO DO YOUR PART, and share your testimony, dont hold it in. I love you all, and i look forward to reading you emails next week.
P.S. This is my address for now:
Calle Crisalida #61 Munoz (with a swiggle over the n) Rivera
Urb. Torremolinos
Guaynabo, PR 00969
P.S. This is my address for now:
Calle Crisalida #61 Munoz (with a swiggle over the n) Rivera
Urb. Torremolinos
Guaynabo, PR 00969
December 23, 2008
Dear Family,
Just writing a quick letter to you all. Everything is well, and I am doing great here in Puerto Rico. My mission president and his wife have really made it easier to be away from home this first Christmas. I hhave really been spoiled, and I feel very welcomed and loved here. My comapnion is awesome. Elder Contreras has a lot of energy, and I am really excited to start teaching the people of Puerto Rico with him. I know that this is the most important work in the world. This is the work of the Lord, and he is counting on us missionaries to bring his Gospel to the people. In the MTC that really made me nervous. The Lord is entrusting me with the eternal salvation of his chilfen. I really asked myself if I am ready to do this work, and I know that if I have faith and humble myself before the Lord, then he will bless me and turn me into a useful and strong tool of the Lord. The mission has been great so far, I have loved every minute of it. My goal is to not waste a minute for these next two years, because this is the most important work on the Earth. I know that Christ is my redeemer, and without the atonement, I would not have happiness. I want to thank you, mom and dad, for accepting the gospel and for being such good role models to me. I love you all so very much and I miss you. Remember the Lord always and you will have true happiness. This is so very true. I can't emphasize that enough, he loves us so much, and is just waiting to give us blessings. This Church is true, and Christ lives.
Just writing a quick letter to you all. Everything is well, and I am doing great here in Puerto Rico. My mission president and his wife have really made it easier to be away from home this first Christmas. I hhave really been spoiled, and I feel very welcomed and loved here. My comapnion is awesome. Elder Contreras has a lot of energy, and I am really excited to start teaching the people of Puerto Rico with him. I know that this is the most important work in the world. This is the work of the Lord, and he is counting on us missionaries to bring his Gospel to the people. In the MTC that really made me nervous. The Lord is entrusting me with the eternal salvation of his chilfen. I really asked myself if I am ready to do this work, and I know that if I have faith and humble myself before the Lord, then he will bless me and turn me into a useful and strong tool of the Lord. The mission has been great so far, I have loved every minute of it. My goal is to not waste a minute for these next two years, because this is the most important work on the Earth. I know that Christ is my redeemer, and without the atonement, I would not have happiness. I want to thank you, mom and dad, for accepting the gospel and for being such good role models to me. I love you all so very much and I miss you. Remember the Lord always and you will have true happiness. This is so very true. I can't emphasize that enough, he loves us so much, and is just waiting to give us blessings. This Church is true, and Christ lives.
December 18, 2008
The first is my buddy Elder Rodriguez, he has been teaching me spanish words. And The second is my mission president, President Perkins and Hermana Perkins, this was today after the temple.
Hey guys! Que lo que! Sacap fet! not sure on the spelling for that last one, but it is whats up in creole, or whatever they speak in Haiti. Well i am way excited to finally get out in the field, it has been a long wait, a good time, but a long wait, i am ready to teach people. Its also going to be nice to not have the power go out 3 or 4 times a day, or to have the shower lose water when you jsut applied soap, haha, that happened yesterday after gym. The power outage isnt that bad, because we have generators that kick in after like 20 seconds, but im just glad i have a clock that doesnt have to be plugged in, that would get old. today was my last day of going to the temple for two years, sad. But it was really cool, there was three lanuages being spoken, english, spanish, and french, because a bunch of people came in from Haiti, and that is one of their languages. It was really cool. Umm i am not sure of anything on when i am calling. They have not told us anything, if i can call from the airport i will, if not then i will be talking to you guys a couple days later anyways. Just be open christmas day, i will call dads cell phone, so be ready. And i am pretty excited for the packages! I ran out of snacks last week and its been rough at night, i have got to change this habbit in the field. Speaking of eating, i am on my last belt hole, no i havent gotten fatter, my belt is too big, so somehow i am going to ahve to make more holes. That sounds really cold, i dont even know how cold it is here, but it feels like 80 degrees in Arizona. And this is the winter, it is going to be a HOT summer. I got Haileys dear elder, and it made me laugh pretty hard, tell her i said thanks. Also nate and kindys baby looks really cute. I will send a picture to you later, i got to get a hair cut, but it is a picture of one of my latino friends. We exchanged ties, and we are wearing the ties in the pic. I love you all, i will talk to you in a week. One more thing, remember Christ always in your hearts, the thing i like about the Dominican is they dont give gifts on christmas, they just celebrate Christ and his birth. They give gifts in january, so remember who gives you life after death. Love Elder Hardy
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