Sunday, July 5, 2009

June 17, 2009

How is everything going? Mom you are still in california, and dad, im pretty sure you are still out of town, but it sounds like yall are doing amazing. Haha, that Jake cracks me up, I can just see him picking up the speaking and trying to talk to me. Just over a year and I will be there Jake, dont worry about it buddy. That is really cool that guy got bapttized again and is going to church. Invite him over for dinner, get to know his family, make him feel the love from the ward.
Hey I did get that letter from Alison, but that was when my email was dumb, so i couldt do it, and I totally forgot to write back. Alison I am going to write you a letter tonight.
Well we talked to Alberto yesterday, and he told us that he is going to go to his moms church, I knew she would be a problem. But what can you do you know. But we told him he is always invited, and that we are friends, he said of course and told us to stop by when we are in the area. So we will leave him in the area book for a couple of elders in 6 months.
We had a guy come to church last week, named Felix. He is a nice guy, in his 50's, going through a hard time right now because him and his wife are getting divorced. He came to church, knew alot of members, and loved it, he was talking to everyone. After Church we went over to his house and set a baptismal date for the 28 of June. We have only taught him one time, Saturday night, and he went to church, so he has desire, we just have to make sure he understands everything before the 28.
Last week was pretty cool in Guavate, AKA "The pig capitol of Puerto Rico." Pig is a big thing here, and if a place has the best pig on the island, then you know it is going to be BOMB! And it was. It was so tasty. The place we went to was recently on tv. So you can check it out on you tube. We talked to the owner of the place, and she told us the Bizzare foods came there. That Tv show travels around the world, and the guy eats wierd kinds of foods, like monkey brains, or things of that nature. Well apparently he ate some fruit there, that was pretty disgusting. I didnt try it, I just had the best pig ever. But check it out on you tube, "Bizzare foods- puerto rico." They smoke the pigs in the back, and then put these huge 5 foot pigs on a rotisierre in the front window, and hack off the meat with a machete. I have a picture taking a swing at it, you'll see.
One thing about Puerto Rico is they are a bunch of pretty boys. One member will take a shower before we go play basketball on p days. Anyways, back when I was with Elder Polanco, he asked me to trim his eye brows with a razor, and I thought he was kidding, because they trim their hair line up with a razor, but I thought he was kidding about the eye brows. But the other day when we passed by Alberto he was trimming these little kids eye brows with a RAZOR! Come on now, tweezers are like 3 bucks, throw me a bone. I just dont get it. p.s.- I was freaking out in the Dominican Republic when they cut my hair, and trimmed up my hair line with a razor. He busted out the Razor, and I was just like, "Wo, wo, tranquilo." And everyone laughed.
Hey there is something that I need, I am running out of space in my journal. So if you could send me another journal, that would be awesome.
Well that does it for me, we dont have too many investigators right now. Yesterday we were teaching this innactive lady, and at the end of the lesson she told us that she has been wanting to come back, and also that her boyfriend wants to take the discussions. So that is going to be sweet! I am pretty excited, get him baptized, and them married in the Temple.
I love you all so much, thank you for the support.

Love Elder Hardy

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